Stop with the bad resume advice
Recently, the well-meaning friend of a client gave her some really bad resume advice. She relayed it to me. One of the two items shared was a hot-button issue for me and a lot of other career professionals too. This…
Recently, the well-meaning friend of a client gave her some really bad resume advice. She relayed it to me. One of the two items shared was a hot-button issue for me and a lot of other career professionals too. This…
Though some would assert otherwise, your resume is not (just) a collection of online blog posts, Google profiles, Facebook posts, LinkedIn commentaries and other social site navigations. In fact, according to many who review resumes, expecting hiring decision makers, recruiters…
Career Director’s International spearheaded the initiative to recognize September as “International Update Your Resume” month. This month, more than ever, job seekers and careerists are encouraged to take charge of their careers and ensure they’re ready for anything. Pulling from…
The resume value premise often drowns in a sea of conversation surrounding the vehicle in which a resume should be transported. LinkedIn is one way (of several) to convey one’s career message. Bottom line to a high performance resume is…
Does your aging resume still turn heads. or is the career fabric faded and stretched? As careers mature, so do resumes, requiring tailoring and refitting to complement your career shape. For more information on how to avoid career stagnation and determine…
Invest time in putting forward a resume that you have polished, in turn, fortifying your professional image.