Why Is Your Personal Brand So Important?
In today’s job market you have to do more than just upload your resume to a few job boards and hope someone will notice you. It is important to develop and market a strong personal brand that speaks of your…
In today’s job market you have to do more than just upload your resume to a few job boards and hope someone will notice you. It is important to develop and market a strong personal brand that speaks of your…
All too often, job seekers get so caught up in the way things “should” be, they forget to embrace, tout, and flaunt the value being different brings. In Dawn Bugni’s most recent post, she explores how a little change in…
To quote from a LinkedIn message I received… “job searching is very much like marketing. You need to do a complete SWOT to know where you are.” Absolutely! You got it, partner! What has cemented the doom of many job…
Even in rejection there are always ways to respond that will help you to learn either from your mistakes or just from the situation. Job seekers quickly learn that rejection is a part of any job search. Learning from not…
To you job seeker, if you are trying to go at it alone, I hope you rethink this plan; because, if a blank document on your screen with the vertical line blinking doesn’t get you excited, the end result won’t…
Twinkle with the right brand as a subject matter expert and with confidence at the right audience; then gaze at how your superstardom star-strucks all potential employers. As you radiate that special and bankable shine, someone will lasso you right…
With so many qualified professionals seeking employment, it is not enough that you are competent, smart, and experienced. Nope, it is not. Your self-marketing must pack power, make a memorable impression, and ‘wow’ your prospective employers.