How to Ruin Your Career Using LinkedIn in 4 Easy Steps.
LinkedIn has served to advance the careers of numerous professionals, and while some members flourish with this premier business networking site, others just can’t seem to get it right.
LinkedIn has served to advance the careers of numerous professionals, and while some members flourish with this premier business networking site, others just can’t seem to get it right.
Do finance executives make better CFOs when they are introverted or when they are extroverted? This was a hot topic in the CFO Linked In group and my blog post has generated much discussion and led to a couple of…
The problem with most Thank You letters is they are usually prepared as just a nice gesture. Saying thank you is a very nice thing to do and it does go a long way, but if written as an ordinary…
Have you been watching the Olympics along with most of the world? Are you finding the stories motivating? Job seekers can use these stories to motivate themselves in their own quest to find the right job and live the dream.…
Keeping the spirit of August’s and Cindy’s posts about job boards and effective job searches going, I’m digging out a post from my own blog archive to complement their wise words. If you think posting your resume on one of…
Does it matter if you are the most connected person on Linked In, or that you are well-connected? Is there a difference between being authentically branded and marketing? If you just show up, does that constitute networking? Is playing the…
The allure of online job boards is undeniable. From the comfort and privacy of your home, you can search thousands of positions without ever leaving your chair. However, are they the most effective way for jobseekers to find new, full-time…
With so many questions this week on phone interviews I am wondering if this will become the norm for many companies as they begin to rebuild their employee base. If you got a request today for a phone interview would…
Does your resume give due and proper credit to YOUR career trials by fire? Are your career accomplishments understated, creating an underwhelming result within the critical career document that should be declaring to the corner office you’re their right-fit, problem-solving…
Before you rush into resume technique, layout, and race to the finish line of a completed resume, invest time in the resume prep and research process