The Best of the Best Certified Resume Writers
We are delighted to announce that all three of us who entered the TORI™ (Toast of the Resume Industry) competition earned nominations! Three out of three!!
August Cohen, Kris Plantrich, and Rosa Elizabeth Vargas
What is a TORI?
Tori is a globally recognized award hosted by Career Directors’ International, which recognizes top-tier resume writers with a yearly award. The TORI contest is extremely competitive. Entries typically surmount to over 150 from talented, experienced, and creative resume writers in the USA, Australia, and Asia.
It is a great honor and distinction to be hand-picked by a reputable panel of judges who exhaustively review and analyze submissions from writers worldwide. Quite a challenge to win a nomination among such talent!
It is this type of dedication and participation that separates over-night resume writers from those elite and distinguished writers who are committed to equipping their clients with superior and best interview-winning job search tools.
Congratulations to all 2010 Tori Award nominees, in particular to ‘Resume Chicks’ gals, August, Kris, and Rosa! Winners will be announced in October. We can’t wait!